Legal Warning
This website has been created by the TALLERES QUEVE, S.L for information purposes and for its own private use. By accessing this site, you accept and acknowledge the following terms and conditions:
This domain, is a registered domain of TALLERES QUEVE, S.L, with CIF B33811027.
For all legal purposes the legal address of Quevedo, 57 33204 Gijón (ASTURIAS)
You may contact us at the following address:
Quevedo, 57 33204 Gijón (ASTURIAS)
The contents and services included and offered through this website are not aimed at visitors resident in jurisdictions where they are not authorized.
Users access this website voluntarily. Accessing and surfing this website implies the acceptance and knowledge of the present legal note, its terms and conditions. Access does not imply any trade relation between the TALLERES QUEVE, S.L and the users of its website.
The present Legal Note and/or the Conditions established for the services offered through TALLERES QUEVE, S.L website may be modified if and when the TALLERES QUEVE, S.L esteems it necessary, or with the aim of adapting to future legal or technological modifications. These changes will be adequately made and will be valid, except otherwise expressed, from the moment of publication onwards.